For those of you who have been waiting patiently (thank you) for an update on  my move back home, here it goes.

Let me first start off by sharing this: As I was reading my devotion this morning I came across this paragraph- it sums up what I'm hoping the next year of my life will look like.

"God is waiting outside the door of your heart to walk you through the rain. This may not be what you would have chosen, but it will be a journey you'll always remember."

So that's where I stand today- January 11th, 2011. Soaking in the rain, but willing to take the umbrella that's being offered to me. A year ago this wouldn't have been what I chose, but it's what I have. To get you to where I am now let me back up and tell you how this all started.

I would leave out names but everyone knows who I'm talking about anyway. A little less than a year ago I made the decision to move to Charlotte, NC. Why, you ask? To be with the love of my life, of course! I was hesitant at first but by June (ish) I was ready to head out. And I did. I sold everything I owned (I literally did) and drove to Charlotte, NC. I was ecstatic, at first. Then I stepped foot in the doorway and all my built up excitement fled. From that moment on  it was a roller coaster ride. Everything went wrong from finances, to jobs, to car problems, and on top of that a sad heart. I was alone in a strange city and had no friends to call my own. I got lost CONSTANTLY- for those of you who know me, you know how much I HATE being lost :) I can't tell you the stress that I had.

Now, don't get me wrong. I had some AMAZING times in those first few months. I met a lot of really awesome people and I'm sad to not be a part of their lives anymore. Slip and slides, racing, sunny weather, spending little time with the boy (he's was gone on the weekends but I already knew that was an issue). Oh, and I forgot to mention the gym- by this time all I did was work out so I literally had "buns of steel" - kind of miss that now. :)

So the months went on. Then October hit- my birthday month. A real turning point in my life. I made the list that I will forever love and remember. With this list came other things I will miss about Charlotte- Hiking to be one of them.  On the outside things seemed perfect. I had begun working, I spent more time with Matt and RJ. My circle of friends was increasing and I didn't get lost (at least not as much).

On the inside I was constantly struggling with the option of going home. I missed my family, I missed my friends, and I was scared to let go of all of it. I wanted to be with Matt- who I've loved for a total of 4 years now.

INTERRUPTION: Yes, we both dated other people in between these years but you will always remember your first grown up "love". Probably one of the reasons why both of the relationships we had with others failed.

and were back... so originally me moving to Charlotte was a trial period. A trial to see if I could actually live there and to see if me and matt could survive as a couple. In my mind I had put a deadline on when I needed to decide. That was Thanksgiving. At the end of October I started working at Red Rocks. I gained so many friends right away and it made the decision of leaving or staying even harder.

I began to panic when the middle of November hit. I mean, this was when I was suppose to have life figured out, right? Stay or go?

I'm sure the majority of this situation is my fault because I never gave it its full potential. The reason? Because deep down I knew that the good in Minnesota out weighed the bad, and no matter how much I loved someone, my family and dreams come first. Someone should understand that. November and December went by and it was hell to say the least. I was working 55 or so hours a week, I never saw friends- outside of work, and I was stressed with the move. How was I going to pay to get home? What would I do when I got home? With all of this stress that I took on myself I never realized the bigger picture. To say that I intentionally sabotaged my life in Charlotte is a lie. Looking back now I don't feel it was intentional because I didn't realize what was going on. One day everything just blew up and I didn't see the consequences of my actions until then. Subconsciously- Yes. I wasn't ready, or able to make a decision on my own so I let things happen the way they did. I'm not proud of the way things went down but ultimately I believe it all happened for a reason. To continue the time line of my story we'll start back up in December- Christmas. I went home- YAY for Christmas. Debating over staying or going I sought wisdom from some friends and family. The one line that sticks out to me the most is from my aunt Rosie, "You know, no one in our family has ever left. If they have its been for a short time." If you knew my family you would understand how true this is, and why the decision of staying in Charlotte was hard. My family is AMAZING. One of a kind really. I  mean have you met my Grandma? Starting from her and leaking in to each of us is a little part of her love, her humor, her grace, her persistence, and her strength. It all ties us together in to one amazing group of people. Anyone that has met them should be honored... wow- that was a bunny trail.

So, it made my decision to move home easy. I wanted my family. Plain and simple.

I flew back to Charlotte (despite my option to just not go and stay here). The welcome home (Charlotte) wasn't great. Luckily I had made some amazing friends who were able to support me and love me my last few days in Charlotte. I made the final decision to move on January 4th, 2011. I packed my things and I was gone by January 8th. Some might say I'm running from my problems. But I ask, "what problem is that?" It's more so a decision between two things you love equally. I loved Matt- probably will forever. And I love my family, and I will FOREVER. I couldn't see myself happy there in the long run and although it might have been selfish I left. I looked to myself for once, and decided that I needed to chase my own dreams instead of holding on to the coat tails of someone else's.

So this is where my new life starts. Right here in the pouring rain. I'm soaked and shivering- scared to death of what my future holds for me. The thing that I'm looking forward to is the Rainbow after the storm- maybe in my case, a double rainbow.

As I leave the past right there, in the past I must thank those that made an impact on my life during my time in Charlotte. I don't know when or if I will see you again but please know you will never be far away in my thoughts.

Lastly I want to repeat something that one of my soccer coaches told me, "Ashley, what ever the reason for the decision let it be known that you did something many people your age will never do in their lifetime. You took a chance and moved to a new community. Many more opportunities will present themselves to you over the years which require tough decisions. Follow your heart."

I did. I followed my heart to Charlotte, and now I'm following it back to where it truly belongs, snow and all.

(For an update on things to come in the next year check out my new tab -------------------------> under "MORE"  at the top of this box. It's titled 2011. )

Well, I've made it safe back to Minnesota.

I have plenty to update on but before I can I have to get settled in to my new life at home. I've started to un pack but being sick, haven't made it very far. As soon as I wade through the clothes, I promise for an update. It's been LOOOONG over due.

I'll be going through two new states tomorrow, I'm excited. Virginia and West Virginia- Here I come!

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure..” - Peter Marshall
Well for those of you who have been following along, I've made my decision.

I will be home bound this weekend.

After a lot of thought and tears I've realized that my options are limited here and its time for me to leave. I woke up yesterday morning and this morning both with the same vision- me and my sisters walking down the street laughing. It gave me peace to know that moving home was where I needed to be. The support I have at home is something that I've been missing in the past 6 months. Don't get me wrong, I've met some INCREDIBLE people down here and I will truly miss them. If I could lasso MN and drag it closer to Charlotte I would in a heart beat.
It's sad to think that the two worlds I want are so far away.

I'm sure there will be much more to update you all on, but for now I have to keep packing and then head to work.

If you think about it, I would greatly appreciate prayers for strength, wisdom, and safe travels :)

Written on 12/29

Well. Where to start really. The past week of my life has been full of more emotions than I have experienced in my entire life time of living. If you were to ask me how I was doing right now my response would be, “I’m alive, but that’s about it”. I’m either free from emotion or full of so many that I’m not sure which one to call this. This year of my life was suppose to be the best year (it’s always suppose to be) but it seems that in the past month I’ve ruined everything that I could have possibly wanted. Maybe on purpose? How is it possible to be so sure about something and then see it come to a crashing hault.

I’ve decided that emotionally I just need to stop. Stop planning my life and let life be. I’ve always been one with needing a plan but as I’ve noticed they never work out. So this is me being selfish. Taking time to work on myself and only me. Stop worrying about making others happy but find myself and get back to the roots that I once had firmly planted in this earth. (I think with all the moves that I’ve made around this country its about time to find a place to stay- permanently) That’s the next goal- deciding where to go. I have two great job offers. One here (in Minnesota) and one there (in Charlotte). Both of them being the same exact job just in two completely separate locations.

Let me just add this comment to lighten the mood a little bit. Two things I can’t stand about airports. 1. When people decided to just STOP in the middle of walking… Hey, lets try merging to the side of the walkway and decide where to go instead of just stopping. 2. Slow walkers- let’s get a move on folks!

Random Quotes and thoughts from the airport:

From a seven year old girl, “I miss the olden days”… really, when was that, Yesterday??

I wonder what a day in the life of a shoe shiner would be like… and a 500 pound male.

I have only been in the Chicago airport for all of five minutes. I already hate it except the part where I got to witness a mother pulling her suitcase behind her with her 5 year old son holding on to it for dear life.

A mother says to her 3 year old son, “If you push that button the police will come” luckily the man over the loud speaker comes on. She continues “see, see they are watching you” LIES.

Alright, back to my life now.

So, what to do? The question of the year.

I’ve come to realize that its ok to be imperfect. I’ve tried my whole life to be the good one to live up to others expectations and to put on a show that everything is fine and dandy. Clearly you all know now that its not. I’ve made some bad decisions. In the past couple of weeks some REALLY bad decisions. Regret worthy? Sure. Have I learned anything from them? Absolutely. The biggest lesson is that everyone has a breaking point. I’ve finally reached mine. I realize that I need to know when I’m just trying to please others and not hurt their feelings and in return ignoring what’s best for me and my life.

From here I need to figure out what and who makes me happy. Start being picky and know the value of myself. Realize that its ok to just be friends and make that known right away.

It’s time to re-focus on my list, my life, and starting to right my path.



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To pack... or not to pack. What do I do?

And I'll go sit on the floor
Wearing your clothes
All that I know is
I don't know how to be something you miss

Never thought we'd have a last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips

So I watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe
And I keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are
Hope it's nice where you are

And I hope the sun shines
And it's a beautiful day
And something reminds you
You wish you had stayed
You can plan for a change in the weather and time
But I never planned on you changing your mind

I'll go sit on the floor
Wearing your clothes
All that I know is
I don't know how to be something you miss

Something always brings me back to you
It never takes too long
No matter what I say or do
I still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone

You hold me without touch
You keep me without chains
I never wanted anything so much
Than to drown in your love and not feel your rain

Set me free, leave me be
I don't wanna fall another moment into your gravity
Here I am and I stand so tall
I'm just the way I'm supposed to be
But you're on to me and all over me

You loved me 'cause I'm fragile
When I thought that I was strong
But you touch me for a little while
And all my fragile strength is gone

Set me free, leave me be
I don't wanna fall another moment into your gravity
Here I am and I stand so tall
I'm just the way I'm supposed to be
But you're on to me and all over me

I live here on my knees
As I try to make you see
That you're everything I think I need
Here on the ground

But you're neither friend nor foe
Though I can't seem to let you go
The one thing that I still know
Is that you're keeping me down
You're keeping me down

You're on to me, on to me and all over
Something always brings me back to you
It never takes too long

But I knew I had to do it,
And he wouldn't understand,
So hard to see myself without him,
I felt a piece of my heart break,
But when you're standing at a crossroad,
There's a choice you gotta make.

I guess it's gonna have to hurt,
I guess I'm gonna have to cry,
And let go of some things I've loved,
To get to the other side,
I guess it's gonna break me down,
Like falling when you try to fly,
It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,
Starts with goodbye.

I know there's a blue horizon,
Somewhere up ahead, just waiting for me,
Getting there means leaving things behind,
Sometimes life's so bitter sweet.
Take time to realize
Oh-oh I'm on your side
didn't I, didn't I tell you.
Take time to realize
This all can pass you by.. Didn't I tell you

But I can't spell it out for you,
no its never gonna be that simple
no I can't spell it out for you.

If you just realized what I just realized
then we'd be perfect for each other
then we'd never find another
Just realized what I just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now.                                     _________________________________________________________

Oh baby i need you
to see me, the way i see you
lovely, wide awake in
the middle of my dreams

And all i see is your face
all i need is your touch
wake me up with your lips
come at me from up above

Then the cold came, the dark days
when fear crept into my mind.
You gave me all your love
and all I gave you was goodbye.

I could go back to every laugh
But I don't want to go there anymore and I
know all the steps up to your door
But I don't want to go there anymore
Talk to the wind, talk to the sky
Talk to the man with the reasons why
And let me know what you find

I could stand up and sing you a song
But I don't want to have to go that far and I
I've got you down, I know you by heart
And you don't even know where I start
Talk to yourself, talk to the tears
Talk to the man who put you here
Don't wait for the sky to clear

I've watched you so long
screamed your name
I don't know what else
I can say