I've been back for a week and a half now and so far its been nothing short of a whirl wind, not to mention that I've been sick almost everyday since arriving here.

After this week I should be settled into a routine and life will hopefully start going back to "normal" if there is one. It hasn't been easy and I often wonder if I made the right choice by coming home. I'm still not certain but last night I happen to wait on the coolest lady. It was a short encounter but she was amazing. To give you a picture lets describe her- early 40's, SUPER tan, blonde hair, big boobs, SO SO SO nice, and to top it off she was having dinner with HER 9 month old daughter- Tori. Also, so beautiful. She was 40 and on her 1st child- her 1st child. Can you imagine? Anyway to continue she was so happy and exactly where she wanted to be in life. Her baby was healthy and beautiful, oh and LOVED me :).

The reason why I bring this up is because since the 9th grade I've always thought that I was going to get married right out of high school and have babies right away. Instead here I am, 25, single, no babies (thankfully), and 1 year of single life ahead of me. I've been beating myself up thinking that I've failed myself and the timeline that I had planned for me. Don't get me wrong- I look forward to the day that I will have all of these things but why should I be anxious in the mean time? Why settle for less when there is so much more out there. Let me say that I have dated some AMAZING people and this isn't a rant against them. It's about me and my impatience.

So I brought this lady up because she really gave me some major encouragement about my situation. I didn't even mean to open up to her but she was so accepting and eager to hear everything. It was a small conversation but some how she assured me that everything was going to be ok.

so that's the update for you....

I'm currently dog sitting and its been eventful. I really should be carrying my camera around with me all the time because they are so funny!

Here's a few pictures from the camera for you: (trying to get back into the picture taking)

Well, that's all for now. Back to enjoying my Wednesday day off with the boys :)


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